Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Bald Avenger

The prophet Elisha gets some divine assistance when a group of children insults his pride.

Dealing with the Remains of Palestinian Suicide Bombers

Megan Stack, foreign correspondent for the Los Angeles Times, reflects on something "truly bizarre" that she observed while covering the Second Intifada in Israel. The morgue in Jaffa, she says, was filling up with the remains of Palestinian suicide bombers, and the question of what to do with them became a national issue.

White House Doesn't Get It - Cenk's Daily Rant (MSNBC)

Are Conservatives More Tolerant than Liberals?

Is conservatism closer to the mission of the university than liberalism? Are conservatives more tolerant than liberals? Harvard government professor Harvey Mansfield defends his two assertions, arguing that while liberals expect conservatism to disappear, conservatives are "much more tolerant of people who disagree with them."

The End of God? - A Horizon Guide to Science and Religion (Part 1 of 4)

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Johann Hari Protest the Pope Speech

Johann Hari's speech at the Protest the Pope rally on 18 September 2010

Vatican Bank Under Investigation For Money Laundering

The Vatican bank’s top two officials are under investigation for suspected money laundering and police have frozen 23 million euros ($30.21 million) of its funds, Italian judicial sources said on Tuesday. From Reuters

Benedict - Trials of a Pope (Part 1 of 4)

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Christmas With A Capital C - Movie Trailer

An Atheist ruins Christmas... Muhahahaha