Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
UK Creationism in the Classroom
Clip from the documentary 'Dispatches - In God's Name' about the growing fundamentalist Christian lobby in the UK. Originally broadcast in May 2008.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
God Bless my Iguana! Church day for pets in Philippines
Dozens of animal lovers took their pets to the Malate church in the Philippines capital on Sunday for the annual blessing of animals.
Southern Baptist Leader 'Yoga Not Christianity!'
A Southern Baptist leader who is warning Christians to beware of yoga is getting plenty of pushback from enthusiasts who defend the ancient practice. Southern Baptist Theological Seminary President Albert Mohler says yoga is not a pathway to God. (Oct. 7)
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
The Bald Avenger
The prophet Elisha gets some divine assistance when a group of children insults his pride.
Dealing with the Remains of Palestinian Suicide Bombers
Megan Stack, foreign correspondent for the Los Angeles Times, reflects on something "truly bizarre" that she observed while covering the Second Intifada in Israel. The morgue in Jaffa, she says, was filling up with the remains of Palestinian suicide bombers, and the question of what to do with them became a national issue.
Are Conservatives More Tolerant than Liberals?
Is conservatism closer to the mission of the university than liberalism? Are conservatives more tolerant than liberals? Harvard government professor Harvey Mansfield defends his two assertions, arguing that while liberals expect conservatism to disappear, conservatives are "much more tolerant of people who disagree with them."
Johann Hari Protest the Pope Speech
Johann Hari's speech at the Protest the Pope rally on 18 September 2010
Vatican Bank Under Investigation For Money Laundering
The Vatican bank’s top two officials are under investigation for suspected money laundering and police have frozen 23 million euros ($30.21 million) of its funds, Italian judicial sources said on Tuesday. From Reuters
Sunday, September 26, 2010
QandA May 25th - Response to Question on Ryan Commission Report
A question is asked about the Ryan Commission report on child abuse within institutions run by the religious orders in Ireland. After the panel had spoken the questioner responded and his response.
Full Show HERE
Full Show HERE
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Friday, September 17, 2010
Indonesians Rally Over Church Plans
Thousands of people in Indonesia have been protesting against the construction of a church just outside Jakarta, the capital city. Muslims say that the building does not comply with the Indonesian law, which requires the support of the local community before building a house of worship. Christians, however, say that they have already attained the backing of the local government.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Stephen Fry: Pope Should Not Have a State Visit
BBC 15 September 2010 - More than 50 public figures have added their names to a letter in the Guardian newspaper saying the Pope should not be given the "honour" of a UK state visit. Authors Terry Pratchett and Philip Pullman and actor Stephen Fry are among those critical of the Vatican record on birth control, gay rights and abortion.
Stephen Fry told the BBC why he signed the letter.
Stephen Fry told the BBC why he signed the letter.
Magic or Medicine - Homeopathy and the NHS (Part 1 of 2)
Aired September 13, 2010 on BBC One - Samantha Poling investigates how homeopathy has penetrated the heart of the NHS and asks whether prescribing homeopathic preparations for serious conditions could be dangerous for patients.
Part 2 HERE
WIKI: Unusual homeopathic remedies
Part 2 HERE
WIKI: Unusual homeopathic remedies
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Jesse Jackson Warns Against Exaggerating Islamophobia
Al Jazeera asks the Reverend Jesse Jackson, spiritual leader and former US presidential candidate, whether the recent Quran burning threat, and protests over plans for an Islamic centre to be built near Ground Zero in New York, signal rising Islamophobia in the US.
Hannity Tries To Push Guest Into Saying Obama Prefers Islam To Christianity
Just a few weeks ago, the shrieking Islamophobe, Brigitte Gabriel, suggested to Sean Hannity that Obama is a Muslim. In her return appearance here, Hannity blatantly tries to push her into saying Obama favors Islam over Christianity. (9/9/10)
Enemy in Mind: Jewish Group Gets Gunned-Up
A Jewish group in the U.S. shares the view that Israelis are in danger wherever they are - and believes they should prepare themselves for the worst. Its members are involved in intensive training in military skills and survival methods. But as Lauren Lyster discovered, critics claim their enemy is mostly in the mind...
The Case for God?
Aired September 6, 2010 on BBC One - To mark Rosh Hashanah, Chief Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks interviews four distinguished and engaging atheists in The Case For God?.
The Case for God? - Part 2
The Case for God? - Part 2
Saudi Author Expresses His Opinion About Westerners
Saudi Author Dr. Muhammad Al-'Arifi on Show Produced by Saudi Ministry of Religious Endowments: Women in the West Marry Dogs and Donkeys; 54% of Danish Women Do Not Know Who Fathered Their Babies
Al-Risala TV (Saudi Arabia/Kuwait) - 4/6/2006 - 00:01:39
Al-Risala TV (Saudi Arabia/Kuwait) - 4/6/2006 - 00:01:39
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Mexican Police Capture Drug Lord 'The Barbie'
A Texas-born fugitive known as "The Barbie" who allegedly led a violent smuggling network grinned as he was paraded in handcuffs before reporters. He's the third suspected drug lord to fall in Mexico in the past 10 months. (Aug. 31)
BARBIE!? You could go with 'The Snake' or 'El Capo', or something cool like that, and you go with 'Barbie'?!?!
BARBIE!? You could go with 'The Snake' or 'El Capo', or something cool like that, and you go with 'Barbie'?!?!
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Anti-Gay Activists Are Almost Always Gay

Just this year, in 2010, there have been so many anti-gay conservatives to come out of the closet, so you really should be suspicious of anyone who is outspoken against homosexuals. They probably like the cock...
Tom Brock - Lutheran Reverend Advocated Against Gay Clergy (GAY!) LINK
George Rekers - Anti-Gay Activist Caught With Male Escort 'Rentboy' LINK
Roy Ashburn - Anti-Gay State Senator Gets DUI Leaving Gay Nightclub LINK
Ken Mehlman - Former G.O.P. Leader Says He Is Gay LINK
Crispin Blunt - Conservative Minister Reveals He is Gay! LINK
ARTICLE: Gay Conservatives - Unwanted Allies on the Right
Michael Ruse - The Evolution Debate: It's Not About Theology
Science philosopher Michael Ruse says the conflict between creationism and evolution is not a theological debate, but a cultural debate akin to abortion, gay marriage and capital punishment. "Evolution represents one side, rather than the other," he says.
Mother Teresa's Home of The Dying
This week marks 100 years since the birth of Mother Teresa - the Catholic nun who dedicated her life to humanitarian missions in India as well as more than 100 other countries.
Shirin Ebadi - Separate Human Rights for Muslims?
Nobel Peace Prize laureate Shirin Ebadi rejects cultural relativism and the proposal of an Islamic Declaration of Human Rights. Ebadi says that, without a universal standard, basic human rights cannot be protected.
Testicle Cooking World Championships
A cooking competition using animal's testicles was held in Ozrem, in the south of Serbia on Saturday. (Aug. 29)
Religious Rehab Centers On The Rise in Russia
Religious rehab centers are on the rise in Russia, offering non-traditional aid to drug addicts in the country. But critics argue such centers are no more than sects, and that addicts trade one crutch for another there.
Cruel Cut: Genital Mutilation on the Rise as UK Combats the Crime
Medical officials in the UK say the number of women who've been subjected to genital mutilation is on the rise. Although the practice is illegal in the country, thousands are considered to be at risk annually -- and no one has ever been convicted of the crime.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Coffee with the Candidates - Chris Young
The Rhode Show begins its new series, "Coffee with the Candidates," to help you get to know the candidates running for elections and on a personal level. Today we begin with the Providence mayoral race and Democratic candidate Chris Young.
Stem Cell Ruling to Be Appealed; Some Work Stops
A US district judge had issued a ban on some federally-funded embryonic stem cell research. The White House says it'll quickly appeal the decision. In the meantime, scientists are left in limbo wondering if or when their work can continue. (Aug. 24)
TIME Announces New Version Of Magazine Aimed At Adults
Doing away with kid-friendly info bubbles and colorful photos, new 'TIME Advanced' will cater to adults with an interest in news.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Rapture Ready - The Christians United for Israel Tour
Max Blumenthal's latest takes us on a shocking and at times bizarre tour of right-wing Pastor John Hagee's annual Washington-Israel Summit, blowing the cover off the Christian Zionist movement in the process. Starring Joe Lieberman, Tom DeLay, Pastor John Hagee, Ambassador Dore Gold and a host of rapture-ready evangelicals praying for Armaggedon.
Bishop John Shelby Spong on Biblical Literalism
Bishop John Shelby Spong rebukes the literal interpretation of the Bible's three-tiered, Earth-centered universe. Spong cites numerous biblical references that position an all-seeing God just above the sky, and then recalls a witty remark by late astrophysicist Carl Sagan about the ascension of Jesus into Heaven.
See Entire Lecture HERE
See Entire Lecture HERE
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Battle for Beauty turns Ugly for Surgery Victims
Plastic surgery is enjoying a boom in Russia, with beauty seekers of all ages flocking to hundreds of private clinics. The end results, however, are sometimes far from desired. Instead of enjoying their new looks, clients end up facing endless legal battles with inexperienced and unqualified surgeons.
Ashamed to be American? Ex-patriots Give Up on US
The United States leads the world in the number of legal immigrants it accepts every year. For most new citizens, life in America means better opportunities. But a growing number - 700 last year - have renounced their U.S. citizenship.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Iraqis React to US Troop Withdrawal
"It's not that we want them to stay, but they should at least remain until the government crisis is resolved."
Futurama - Evolution Under Attack
Stephen Meyer on Intelligent Design: What is the origin of digital information found in DNA?
WOW! So.....there is a Zeus! Stupid!
The Top 10 Intelligent Designs (or Creation Myths)
The Top 10 Intelligent Designs (or Creation Myths)
Thursday, August 19, 2010
RSA Animate: Matthew Taylor - 21st Century Enlightenment
Matthew Taylor explores the meaning of 21st century enlightenment, how the idea might help us meet the challenges we face today, and the role that can be played by organisations such as the RSA.
Full Lecture HERE
Full Lecture HERE
Questions Over Iraq War Funds
The US, which has withdrawn its last combat brigade from Iraq, has spent at least $700 billion on the Iraq war since its start more than seven years ago. But that figure does not include future interest payments and long-term care for wounded soldiers. Now, there are also concerns that funds for Iraq's reconstruction are being misspent.
TED: Jamil Abu-Wardeh - The Axis of Evil Comedy Tour
Jamil Abu-Wardeh jump-started the comedy scene in the Arab world by founding the Axis of Evil Comedy Tour, which brings standup comedians to laughing audiences all over the Middle East. He's found that, by avoiding the "three B's" (blue material, beliefs and "bolitics"), the Axis of Evil comics find plenty of cross-border laughs.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Christianity is the True Religion of Peace
Interview with Bryan Fischer of the Christian group, American Family Association.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Miss Universe 2010 Gone Too Far?
"The Miss Universe Pageant has sunk to a new low." Jezzzz, how bitter does this girl sound? Just tell the truth, you hate them, because compared to them your Fugly!
See Videos of the Topless Photo shoot HERE
Interview with Miss USA 2010 Rima Fakih HERE
See Videos of the Topless Photo shoot HERE
Interview with Miss USA 2010 Rima Fakih HERE
Monday, August 16, 2010
Sunday, August 15, 2010
South African White Traditional Healers
To South Africa now - and the number of white traditional healers, or Sangomas, is on the rise in the country. During Apartheid, the practice was made illegal. But now it's big business, and some are unhappy that white South Africans are now practicing traditional healing.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Cairo-Based Music Video Channel 4Shbab
The Cairo-based music video channel 4Shbab combines the aesthetics of western music programming with the morals of more devout Muslim channels.
Food Fight
An abridged history of American-centric warfare, from WWII to present day, told through the foods of the countries in conflict.
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