Leave it to the religious fanatics to say the most horrible thing possible in times of greatest distress.
Pat Robertson, founder of numerous organizations and corporations with numerous political ties, has his own show “The 700 Club” that airs on his own network the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN). [1] Just a day after the 7.0 earthquake that struck the capital city of Port-au-Prince, Robertson claimed that during the Haitian revolution that begun in 1791, the Haitians made “a pact with the Devil”, and that’s how they obtained their independence. “True story” he said. He even attributed the healthier economic situation of the Dominican Republic, which occupies the same island of Hispaniola, as proof of their misfortune after the satanic pact.
Well, most people just called him crazy and stupid, but I think it’s important to understand the reason of why he would make such an atrocious comment. Let us put ourselves in the hypothetical situation that conservative, white, Christian, republicans, don’t like black people. If that’s not too much of a stretch? Well, Haiti has quite a bit of historic significance in African American studies.
“It was the first independent nation in Latin America, the first post-colonial independent black-led nation in the world, and the only nation whose independence was gained as part of a successful slave rebellion.”[2]
This might create some prejudice in the mind of Pat. But even more significantly are the religious beliefs of Haiti. Now, although 80% are professed to be Roman Catholic, and 16% are Protestant, Haitian Vodou is still practiced by nearly half of the country’s population. [2] And Voodoo, as far as Christians believe, is a form of witchcraft that invokes the Devil. Perhaps Pat saw a golden opportunity in this disaster to make Haitians believe that their Voodoo had created the earthquake, and only by turning to Christianity could they find salvation.
In any case, this did not sit well at all with the Haitian community. Hans Mardy of the Haitian-American Emergency Relief Committee [3] and Haitian Ambassador Raymond Joseph [4] both had something to say about Pat Robertson’s comment, and of course were not too happy about him denigrating the most momentous historical event in the countries history. The White House also commented on this issue as White House adviser Valerie Jarrett said she was “speechless” after what she had heard. [5] And White House Spokesman Robert Gibbs said the comment was “Utterly Stupid”. [6]
Pat, in fact, has had quite a few controversies in the past, claiming things like the 911 attacks were caused by "pagans, abortionists, feminists, gays, lesbians” [7], and, that quote:
"The feminist agenda is not about equal rights for women. It is about a socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians." [8]
Well, obviously this man is not a Saint, and he doesn’t represent all religious people. Unfortunately, he is a very powerful religious leader that does represent large number of religious people, particularly, but not exclusively, in the US. Therefore, he should be a lot more careful of what he says, and I have infinite contempt for what he believes.
Articles & Videos
[1] Pat Robertson
[2] Haiti
[3] Haitians react to televangelist Pat Robertson's 'devil pact' remarks
[4] Haitian Ambassador Raymond Joseph Schools Pat Robertson
[5] Pat Robertson's 'pact with the Devil' Haiti comments leave White House adviser Jarrett 'speechless'
[6] Gibbs: Robertson's Haiti Remark 'Utterly Stupid'
[7] Pat Robertson controversies
[8] Equal Rights Initiative in Iowa Attacked
Arianna: Pat Robertson Gives Religion A Bad Name With His Disaster Comments
Pat Robertson, founder of numerous organizations and corporations with numerous political ties, has his own show “The 700 Club” that airs on his own network the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN). [1] Just a day after the 7.0 earthquake that struck the capital city of Port-au-Prince, Robertson claimed that during the Haitian revolution that begun in 1791, the Haitians made “a pact with the Devil”, and that’s how they obtained their independence. “True story” he said. He even attributed the healthier economic situation of the Dominican Republic, which occupies the same island of Hispaniola, as proof of their misfortune after the satanic pact.
Well, most people just called him crazy and stupid, but I think it’s important to understand the reason of why he would make such an atrocious comment. Let us put ourselves in the hypothetical situation that conservative, white, Christian, republicans, don’t like black people. If that’s not too much of a stretch? Well, Haiti has quite a bit of historic significance in African American studies.
“It was the first independent nation in Latin America, the first post-colonial independent black-led nation in the world, and the only nation whose independence was gained as part of a successful slave rebellion.”[2]
This might create some prejudice in the mind of Pat. But even more significantly are the religious beliefs of Haiti. Now, although 80% are professed to be Roman Catholic, and 16% are Protestant, Haitian Vodou is still practiced by nearly half of the country’s population. [2] And Voodoo, as far as Christians believe, is a form of witchcraft that invokes the Devil. Perhaps Pat saw a golden opportunity in this disaster to make Haitians believe that their Voodoo had created the earthquake, and only by turning to Christianity could they find salvation.
In any case, this did not sit well at all with the Haitian community. Hans Mardy of the Haitian-American Emergency Relief Committee [3] and Haitian Ambassador Raymond Joseph [4] both had something to say about Pat Robertson’s comment, and of course were not too happy about him denigrating the most momentous historical event in the countries history. The White House also commented on this issue as White House adviser Valerie Jarrett said she was “speechless” after what she had heard. [5] And White House Spokesman Robert Gibbs said the comment was “Utterly Stupid”. [6]
Pat, in fact, has had quite a few controversies in the past, claiming things like the 911 attacks were caused by "pagans, abortionists, feminists, gays, lesbians” [7], and, that quote:
"The feminist agenda is not about equal rights for women. It is about a socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians." [8]
Well, obviously this man is not a Saint, and he doesn’t represent all religious people. Unfortunately, he is a very powerful religious leader that does represent large number of religious people, particularly, but not exclusively, in the US. Therefore, he should be a lot more careful of what he says, and I have infinite contempt for what he believes.
Articles & Videos
[1] Pat Robertson
[2] Haiti
[3] Haitians react to televangelist Pat Robertson's 'devil pact' remarks
[4] Haitian Ambassador Raymond Joseph Schools Pat Robertson
[5] Pat Robertson's 'pact with the Devil' Haiti comments leave White House adviser Jarrett 'speechless'
[6] Gibbs: Robertson's Haiti Remark 'Utterly Stupid'
[7] Pat Robertson controversies
[8] Equal Rights Initiative in Iowa Attacked
Arianna: Pat Robertson Gives Religion A Bad Name With His Disaster Comments