The House of Representatives debated the Health Insurance Industry Fair Competition Act, legislation that would repeal the 65 year exemption health insurance companies have from anti-trust regulations*.
*(United States antitrust law is the body of laws that prohibits anti-competitive behavior (monopoly) and unfair business practices. Antitrust laws are designed to encourage competition in the marketplace.)
The vote was 406-19, with most Republicans siding with majority Democrats against a widely unpopular industry which has been under attack by Democrats and consumer advocates for recent rate hikes.
Obviously almost everyone thought this was an easy case, but to those 19 congressmen who voted against (all being republicans of course) Rep. Anthony Weiner had this to say,
I love it when Weiner says "You really don’t want to go there, Mr. Lungren."
I wish I could see this kind of chutzpah from Obama...