Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi shot to fame as a cast member of the hit reality show "Jersey Shore". The self-described "Guidette" has got a big personality in a petite package and her antics are always in the news. Between criticizing Obama's tanning tax, proclaiming her love of pickles and getting arrested for disorderly conduct, Snooki has been keeping her profile high. But what will she be up to next and when will her 15 minutes of fame finally be up?
美國真人秀"澤西海岸"最嬌小的成員Snooki竟然大爆紅! 二十二歲的Snooki個性十分的麻辣,常常上新聞。最近不但喝醉酒被逮捕,還大罵美國總統歐巴馬增加日光床稅。但小Snooki的行徑越荒唐,"澤西海岸"的收視率就飆的越高!